
Catch up on our latest webinar recordings below. For upcoming webinars, please visit Events.

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  • How to Design a Comprehensive and Effective Net-Zero Strategy

    MIPC Winners from The University of Sydney and The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Do Pension Fund Investments Make a Difference? Effects on Firm Productivity

    Roel Beetsma, Dean, Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam

  • The Canadian Pension Fund Model – A Quantitative Portrait

    Sebastien Betermier, Incoming Executive Director, ICPM

  • The Fine Line Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Can the Policy Balance That Delivered Low Inflation be Maintained?

    Adam Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics

  • Greenwashing: How Prevalent is it and How Can it be Remedied?

    Kerry Duggan, CEO SutainabiliD, Member of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Energy, former Deputy Director for Policy, Office of the Vice President, Executive Office of the President

  • Global Factor Premiums with Laurens Swinkels

    Laurens Swinkels,Associate Professor of Finance at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and Executive Director and Head of Quant Strategy at Robeco’s Sustainable Multi-Asset Strategies team

  • Duration-Based Stock Valuation: Reassessing Stock Market Performance and Volatility

    Jules van Binsbergen | University of Pennsylvania – The Wharton School; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

  • Corporate Purpose

    Colin Mayer of the Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies at the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford

  • Are Institutional Investors Using the Right Structure to Invest in Infrastructure?

    Aleksandar Andonov, Associate Professor of Finance at University of Amsterdam