19 October 2023
ICPM Network Convenes at Discussion Forum in Copenhagen
Earlier this month, the ICPM Network gathered together in beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark to connect and share on a wide array of themes highly relevant to the pension industry. Thank you to all of the ICPM Research Partners, academics, and other guest experts from around the world for their vibrant discussions around the following topics:
– the changing landscape of the Danish pension system
– latest advances in longevity risk modelling and innovation in the decumulation space
– long-term investment strategies and optimal risk management frameworks
– how Danish pension funds communicate long-term return forecasts and pension income projections with plan members
– the effectiveness of carbon pricing versus green finance
– economies of scale in the pension industry
– building inflation resilient pension organizations and learning from lessons from the 1970s’ high inflation period
– whether pension funds should set up shop abroad
– public relations in the face of polarization
Participants especially enjoyed Copenhagen’s renowned culture scene, with an opening reception at the Danish Architecture Center and a delicious dinner in the picturesque Copenhagen Opera House. A special thank you to ICPM’s local Research Partner ATP, as well as the Pension Research Centre (PeRCent) at Copenhagen Business School, who graciously hosted the network throughout the Discussion Forum.